Ann Bell on Sex, Relationships and Connection

There really are no holds barred when Love and Life Coach Ann Bell talks about sex.  Her playful side and her sexual side blend effortlessly.

Today Ann reminds us Boomer Women about things we either knew and have forgotten over the years or maybe we never knew them at all.

Lots of laughs in this episode where conversation ranges from orgasm to cougars to eat, pray, love.

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About the guest: Ann Bell

As a Love and Life Coach, Ann Bell has always seen life differently from most. Yet, she believes you must listen with the same passion as you want to be heard, and know courage is heartfelt to all expansion endeavors.  

Throughout her career as a certified Love and Life Coach, she has noticed a consistent theme with her clients: They want to share their life stories and feel completely comfortable doing so. No limits on self-expression, which means that no topic is taboo. In a safe space, anything and everything can be shared without judgment, using her unique intuitive perspective to teach you how to tap into yours. 

  • Visit Ann Bell’s website

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