These guests were really interesting to chat with. They all left me with food for thought. I hope they do the same for you.
Click any name and you’ll be taken to the episode.
Mica Anders:
Blending Creativity and History to Honor Our Past
Kenny Sacht:
Rescuing Young Women from the Sex Trade
Ande Lyons:
Boomer Podcasts: Both Sides of The Mic
Jack Stoltzfus:
Failure to Launch? or Failure to Let Go?
SuZan Owens:
The Wisdom of Numerology
Denise Miceli:
Creating Lasting Changes in Your Life
Karen Anne Coccioli:
Living Your Gender Truth
Kate Heartsong:
Interconnectedness in These Times of Change
Wendy Battles:
Cybersecurity Awareness
Wendy Green:
Family and Friend Estrangement
Sandy Kaye:
Interviews Our Favourite Musicians From the 60s, 70s, 80s
Rob Schwartz:
The Wisdom of Morrie: Living and Aging Creatively & Joyfully
Swami Nityananda:
Living in Joy and Freedom
Alison Smith:
Nature as a Metaphor For Life
Amy Ewbank:
ReStory Your Brain
Thecia Ellis:
Modern-Day Homesteading Grandma
Barbara Mojica:
The Importance of History in Creating Critical Thinkers
Hilary Truong:
The Mother/Daughter Relationship
Andy Wang:
Dealing With Stage Fright
Amethysta Herrick:
Sex and Gender and Transition
Ramona Galey:
Achieving Alignment, Authenticity & Blissipline
Arlene Miller:
Turn Your Inner Critic into Your Inner Coach
Mike Fink:
To Divorce or To Not Divorce
Maureen Atkinson:
Redefine The Next Few Decades
Sarah Rusbatch:
‘Grey Area Drinking’ and Why It’s on The Rise
Robert Norris:
Remembering a Strong Mother as His Own Life Unfolded
Deb Dutcher:
Boomer Women & Online Dating
Gila Melamed:
Discovering Self Via a Nomadic Life
Michael Kay:
Understanding Men’s Post-Career Transitions
John Lawyer:
Combat Zones to Sprituality
Dave Albin:
Firewalking = Empowerment
Heather Whelpley:
Break Free of The Rules
Tina Davidson:
Secrets and Creativity
Gregory Anne Cox:
Rebellious Wellness Over 50
Angie Hyche:
Decluttering, Simplifying and Organizing Your Stuff
Tamara Zoner:
Practicing Happiness
Paula Conroy:
Connect More Deeply to Your Authentic Essence
Sherrilynne Starkie:
Interviews 50 Women Over 50
Peter Anthony:
His Troubled Teen Finds Her Way