Katie Snyder - Breast Cancer: What to Expect
Katie Snyder educates us on both breast cancer and her breast cancer journey with candid honesty and humour. Strange bedfellows, perhaps, but Katie’s humour helps get us all through the details and anguish of that journey. Perhaps we should warn this episode may not be for the weak of heart.
Katie explains how Tillie the Tumor is not a medical emergency within that community but, of course, Tillie’s landlady wants her dealt with ASAP. Not to mention, this is in the time of Covid.
So many medical terms that the uninitiated might recognize, Katie describes the reality of the tools and the procedures. You’ll be intrigued, you’ll squirm, and you’ll also laugh.
Agnes - in conversation with Katie Snyder
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About the guest: Katie Snyder
She’s been up for adventure since her pioneering days as one of the second class of women admitted to Yale. (Cancer: definitely an adventure.) She got her Ph.D. at the University of Michigan. But it’s her wit and playfulness that make you want her giving you the lowdown on what to expect.
As she says, no one expects breast cancer until they find a lump, and after they find it, cancer is exactly what they expect. You might expect it to be difficult to listen to—or read about—the details, but Katie (as she prefers to be called) manages to infuse humor into her stories, so they become surprisingly fun to listen to. When she’s not baking up a storm, writing children’s picture books, or learning agility with her golden retriever, she’ll be with you, lightening your heart every step of the way.
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(scroll to the bottom of that page to get on the waitlist for Katie’s book))
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