Lynn Friesth on Encore Careers

Lynn Friesth spent 40 years in the corporate world and for the last seven has been building his “Encore Career”.

In this episode he explains just what an “Encore Career” is and the major considerations for a “silver entrepreneur”.  We discuss mindset, skill sets, value propositions and “practice”.  Did you know that entrepreneurs over age 55 have a higher rate of success than their young counterparts?

There are many ways to reinvent yourself after your long career – you can scale back, you can scale back and mentor those who follow, or you can change lanes completely.

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About the guest: Lynn Friest

Lynn Friesth is an Entrepreneur, Executive Coach, and Mentor dedicated to helping Corporate Leaders and Experts to develop their “Encore” careers for the next chapter in their lives.
After a 40-year career in the corporate world, Lynn has been building his Encore career since 2015 and will help others to go farther and faster in creating their “Encore” career.

Lynn has worked with such thought leaders in the personal branding and personal business development fields, such as Mike Kim, Jonathan Milligan, and Danny Ozment.

He also brings deep experience in helping leaders develop their own self-awareness and becoming more effective in their relationship with others through his coaching around emotional intelligence.


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