Terri Yuzon on Hemp - Menstruation to Menopause

When she was much younger Terri Yuzon was given a diagnosis of fibromyalgia.  Determined not to be on meds for the rest of her life, she started researching a healthier lifestyle.  Part of that search led her to cannabis but cannabis in those days was a more drug-associated product.  Finally she was able to create a hemp-product that didn’t have the “drug” effects of marijuana.  Hemplily was officially launched.

Cannabinoid receptors are part of the human brain which helps to explain why cannabis assists with so many issues of the body.  Terri’s products are designed for women “from menstruation to menopause”.

From gummies to tinctures to topicals, Terri talks about the differences and the many products available for women – and some that are great for men too. 

And then there are mushrooms…

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About the guest: Terri Yuzon

Hemplily CEO and founder Terri Yuzon HAD fibromyalgia and refused to believe taking prescriptions for the rest of her life was the only answer. One of the body’s main jobs is to heal itself! Along her journey to restore her health, she discovered that cannabis was the answer for so many with chronic illness. Hemplily was created to share this knowledge with others.

Hemplily provides natural alternatives for you to find mind and body balance. Great for sleep, pain, stress, anxiety, mood, digestion, hot flashes, night sweats, vertigo and more.  The company is woman owned out of NC and wants to help you get the relief you need to feel calm, balanced and beautiful!

Terri Yuzon on Social Media:

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