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The Boomer Woman’s Podcast, episode 242

The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Living Your Gender Truth with Karen Anne Coccioli

Karen Anne Coccioli had a traumatic childhood that left her broken for years.  For a lot more years, many things didn’t get better. But, she played by “their” rules and, inside, never gave up. She always managed to see a light of hope no matter how dim at times until finally, she was free to be herself.

Today, she discusses:

  • When she knew she was gay and when she finally lived that
  • Why non-hetero people are still being stigmatized… or being stigmatized again
  • The anger and fear about people who don’t fit traditional socio-political-theological expectations
  • What she says to young people who don’t know how to “come out”
  • What she says to older people who can’t get their head around a child or grandchild “coming out”
  • and… encouragement for any older folk who are just now realizing they aren’t living their truth

Karen shares her trauma, but her joy and optimism shine through – she is quite an inspiration.

Listen below.


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About the guest: Karen Anne Coccioli

Hello, I’m Karen. When I was old enough to climb the stairs into the attic of the colonial house I grew up in, I’d sit in front of the fanlight window and compose poems about the mysteries of the night—the moon, stars, and unseen planets. I still love all things mystical, magical, and provocative. My most inspired moments are still those spent in pondering and sharing ways to help individuals embrace and live their authentic selves regardless of their age or past history.

My love of language, coupled with my identity as an androgenous gay woman manifested an aspiration to delve into academic studies that married my innate passions. I’m a published author and hold a Ph.D. in comparative literature, within the context of women’s meditations regarding gender identity, sexuality, and the gendered body. (I also write queer erotica under Author Annie Moon and I have 800+ followers.)

When I’m not gazing at the night sky, writing or reading, I can be found meditating, cooking Italian specialties, or walking Rachel and Jasper, my two lab-mixed breed companions.

Find Karen on Social Media:

Karen’s book: Paradise


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