Andy Wang on Dealing With Stage Fright

Today’s episode starts off with an unexpected lesson in pronunciation and anglicization of names.

But the real story:  Andrew Wang has a career rather unrelated to music.  He decided to learn guitar, however, and found himself experiencing serious stage fright when he played in front of people.  Ring a bell with you?  Start a new project as an adult only to realize doing it in front of people was nerve-wracking.

Andy chose a genre of music that was relatively popular but with very few musicians playing it live.  The invitations to play started to come in.  It’s hard to say No to a cousin’s wedding.

When you keep saying Yes… where can that lead you? Andy shares several stories about saying Yes, and has a great philosophy about sharing our gifts.  AND he ties it back to retirement.

Stay tuned to the end when I ask Andy a question from out of left field!

A wonderful conversation with a delightful person.

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About the guest: Andy Wang

Andy Wang has appeared on financial TV and has over 20 years experience helping clients manage their investments, financial planning, and 401(k) retirement plans.
He produces and hosts the Inspired Money podcast that has been published every week for over four years. He’s had conversations with fascinating people like Ryan Serhant, Guy Kawasaki, Derek Sivers, Amy Jo Martin… even former WWE wrestler Colt Cabana.

On the personal side, he started playing acoustic guitar at home but had the worst stage fright playing in front of people. By forcing himself to embrace getting uncomfortable, he has conquered his fear and performed at the Highline Ballroom (NY), The Barns at Wolf Trap (VA), and The Millennium Stage at Kennedy Center (DC.)


The Slack Key Guitar Playing Andy Wang


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