Carine Camara on Acupuncture and Aging Gracefully

Carine is a practitioner of eastern medicine and explains acupuncture and has interesting ideas on the use of nature and its healing abilities. 

Interestingly, she pulls in politics and it all makes sense. Are we more global than we ever thought?

Carine talks about accepting and loving her aging – she did dread it when she was younger but shares how she grew into it.

Interested in learning about rejuvenation acupuncture?

How about styles for older women?

Carina is like one-stop shopping for us mid-age women!!

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About the guest: Carine Camara

Carine Camara is the founder of CARRINNA. A lifestyle brand whose mission is to help women celebrate aging through beauty, style, and wellness. As an acupuncturist, Carine helps with the rejuvenation of the face with facial acupuncture. An ancient tradition to reduce fine lines and wrinkles for a natural facelift. These treatments not only help you gracefully age but help your underlying health conditions and relax the body from stress. As a healer and acupuncturist for over 12 years, she has the experience to treat health issues ranging from women’s health, pregnancy, migraines to digestive, immune & emotional distress. As a lifestyle expert, Carine applies energetic & spiritual principles to practice science providing a truly holistic experience.


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