feminine longevity

Kristin Mallon is a Feminine Longevity and Breast Health Expert

Kristin Mallon is a feminine longevity expert.  Sick care is so necessary but well care should be too.  And women need well care into the elder years… beyond the reproductive years.

Our last decade is called the Marginal Decade and there is no reason we shouldn’t have health and wellness through it, or most of it (and hopefully our age will be triple digits!).

Today Kristin Mallon focuses on breast health.  Monthly self-examination is so important, and we are learning so much more about the genes that affect our breast health.  Remember the earlier breast cancer is detected the better the outcomes.

Kristin also emphasizes the importance of hormones in our lives, our bodies and our aging.  And Exercise… and Sleep – quality sleep.  Her reference to health banks is a great one.

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About the guest: Kristin Mallon

Kristin Mallon, CNM, MS, RNC-OB, is a menopause and feminine longevity expert, in addition to being a board-certified nurse midwife, breast health expert, published author, and mother of four. She grew up in Newport Beach, California and fell in love with and married a fun, adventurous native New Yorker. Now settled in North Jersey, Kristin’s expertise lies in all the aspects of women’s health from fertility through childbirth and into feminine longevity.

Kristin graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a degree in Psychology and completed her bachelor’s degree in nursing at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD. While in Maryland, she began working as a D.O.N.A. trained doula and discovered her lifelong love of working with women.

After completing her Master’s degree in Science & Midwifery at New York University (NYU), Kristin became Editor in Chief of the Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect. While at NYU, she also worked at the Hatch Center for MRI Research at Columbia University, focusing on biosignals, biophysics, and imaging.

Upon graduation, Kristin began practicing as a board-certified nurse midwife in private practice in Brooklyn, NY. She has taught Bachelor’s and Master’s level nursing courses at NYU and Monmouth University and has written for various medical textbooks and nursing test prep courses.

In 2022, Kristin co-founded Femgevity, a telemedicine company focused on menopause and feminine longevity, with Michele Wispelwey, MBA. The company provides concierge care for the average woman seeking personalized healthcare.

Kristin’s love of anthropology and people has led her to travel and explore almost anything. She’s a morning person who enjoys chocolate over vanilla, coffee over tea, dogs over cats, thrillers over horror, Marvel over DC comics, and spicy over mild. She loves waves and snow and her favorite way to eat eggs is over easy or Benedict with an ocean view. Her favorite question, other than “Why?” is “How can it be done?”

Kristin Mallon / FemGevity on Social Media:




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