Welcome to The Boomer Woman's Podcast

That Was Then, This Is Now: Design Your Own Next Chapter

2024 is the 5th Season of The Boomer Woman’s Podcast.

Each episode is a conversation between me – I’m Agnes Knowles, your host – and a guest who talks to a subject that relates to Boomer Women.  The guests can be any age, any gender, as long as their message is positive, informative, pertinent to our demographic.

When we were young many of us fell into step with societal or parental expectations and put our own dreams on the back burner. Now, this is our time.

This page is the Home of the podcast, but we can be found on most podcast platforms – check out the links below. And, of course, Share any episode that talks to you.

Scroll down now to meet this year’s guests, or click the appropriate link to meet any of the guests of the previous three years.

Where do you listen to podcasts?  We’re probably there!

Meet the guests of 2024!

Click on the episode to find our conversation and learn more about the guest.

The Boomer Woman's Podcast

2024 Year-end Wrap with Agnes

26 December 2024

And another year wraps. Five years of the podcast, four years of great conversations with guests.

In this episode, I run through the episodes, the guests, the subject matter. You’ll get a bird’s-eye view of what you’ve heard and what you’ve missed.

There’s more info too: what else you might find at the website: https://boomwithabang.com/

You can subscribe at Substack: https://agnesknowles.substack.com/ – that’ll be worth your while in the New Year!

Good Health and Happiness and One Good Friend is my wish for you for the coming year.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Financial Planning for "Suddenly Single" Women with Wes Cuprill

Guest: 19 December 2024

Wes Cuprill is a financial advisor with a mission to empower women to take control of their financial futures. With a deep understanding of the unique financial challenges women face, Wes provides holistic and tailored advice, especially to those navigating difficult transitions, such as divorce or the loss of a spouse.

In this episode, Wes discusses:

  • How, traditionally, women were kept out of investing conversations
  • Why women’s goals are more the intangibles
  • What to look for in an advisor
  • What makes retirement planning for women distinct from men
  • Mistakes women might make when planning for retirement
  • The process when a woman suddenly finds herself single
  • The “holistic” approach to financial planning

Wes has some great insights into financial planning for women, including how to traverse this season of buy, buy, buy.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Reclaiming Midlife Power with Dr. Shayna Kaufmann

Guest: 12 December 2024

Dr. Shayna Kaufmann is the founder of Embrace the Middle—a company dedicated to serving women in midlife. She challenges us to challenge the negative cultural midlife paradigm.

In this episode, Shayna explains:

  • How she defines midlife
  • The cultural differences and similarities in her global research
  • The difficulties women have
  • All the positives that come with midage
  • Despite what we see in media, most women don’t buy into all the anti-aging hype
  • What it means to “Embrace The Middle”

Shayna and I have a good laugh over what we wish our elders would have told us about midlife.  Her advice for all of us midlife women though, is powerful.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

The Key to a Fulfilling Retirement with Wendy Leggett

Guest: 05 December 2024

Eight years ago, Wendy Leggett found herself at a crossroads after a successful and energizing 25-year career in sales leadership. So, she took the leap and ultimately founded her company, where she guides clients through a fulfilling retirement transition, focusing on well-being, identity, feelings of purpose, connectedness, and positive aging.

In this episode, she discusses:

  • What, beyond the financials, is critical for retirement success
  • Significant misconceptions about retirement
  • How to go about reframing both purpose and identity
  • “Transitions” as an internal change
  • How being single or married affects a lot of choices
  • Our role models for retirement probably weren’t positive
  • Pro-aging and positive aging

Wendy has many nuggets throughout our conversation, some of my favourites are “If you are what you do, who are you when you don’t?” and the difference between finding our purpose and feeling purposeful.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Intimacy, Sex and Pleasure for Boomers with Chloe Mascord

Guest: 28 November 2024

Chloe Mascord helps women who avoid sex, or are stuck in unfulfilling intimacy to stop faking it and start thriving. Through bite-sized, actionable strategies, she shows women how to reignite desire, build deeper connections, and live authentically in their intimate lives.

In this episode, Chloe explains:

  • Performative intimacy
  • The most common reasons desire fades in long term relationships
  • The importance of communication and curiosity
  • Safe ways to open the doors to a conversation about sex, intimacy
  • Low libido
  • Men aren’t all-knowing like we may have been told
  • Body image as we get older

Chloe’s advice to us all is to give ourselves some grace.

I also had some advice: be as gentle with the changes below the neck as we are with the changes above the neck.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Overcoming The Ageism in Our Lives with Corinne Auman

Guest: 21 November 2024

Corinne Auman is on a mission to change the conversation around aging. In a culture where many avoid thinking about older adulthood until the last minute, she urges us to embrace aging in a positive light.

Needless to say, we discuss ageism:

  • Has it always existed or is it more obvious now that we’re living longer
  • Ageism in the workplace
  • Being “invisible” but needing to advocate for ourselves or our older parents
  • Why new doctors might avoid elderly patients
  • Facility care competency vs dementia awareness
  • Kind lies
  • Preparing for aging

Corinne uses the term “Keenagers”.  I’ve heard the term “Wellderly”.  I believe we agree the Keenagers will be the Wellderly of the future.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Achieving Alignment, Authenticity and Blissipline with Ramona Galey

Guest: 14 November 2024

Ramona Galey started one day, ten years ago, in the depths of despair and, before that day was done, was introduced to a path to her current life where she lives in joy and alignment and authenticity.

You’ll understand more when she explains

  • Authenticity and self-love
  • How to disrobe from the “brules” – the bullshit rules we grew up with
  • personal assets, success, and entanglements
  • blissipline
  • “Pitfalls at The Peak”

Ramona also introduces us to and explains Opra; she describes herself as a “Vibrational Mentor” and then tells why she came up with that term.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

The Legacies We Leave with Julie Noonan

Guest: 07 November 2024

Julie Noonan coaches Women Executives Passionate About Leaving their Wisdom to the Next Generations of Strong, Confident Leaders.

You may not consider yourself a business executive, but there’s a good chance you manage a household, a home… and you are interested in leaving your wisdom with your next generations.  Many of the same rules apply.

In this episode, Julie discusses

  • Her past as a square peg trying to fit into a round hole
  • The challenges of leaving a career
  • The multi-generational workplace
  • Age-ism
  • Sexism
  • The learning curve for older workers as opposed to younger
  • How we might apply the same rules within our homes and families

Julie teases us at the end with her life as a digital nomad.  I’ll pester her to come back and talk about that option in the new year!

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Rescuing Young Women from the Sex Trade with Kenny Sacht

Guest: 31 October 2024

Kenny Sacht finds himself in the calling of a lifetime because of one late-night pop-up on his computer. His heart has broken several times over the last decade and a half, but his focus to rescue girls and women from the sex trade doesn’t waver.  Today he explains

  • his journey from school teacher to advocate for these girls and women
  • How girls get lured into – and trapped in – the sex trade
  • exploitation of vulnerability
  • the beginning of Wipe Every Tear
  • the role of Hope House in creating a future for the women
  • how bar owners discourage the girls
  • babies and STDs
  • why the rescues can’t happen without Western helpers

Kenny is so driven he evens gives out his phone # – that’s a man with a Mission!

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Turn Your Inner Critic into Your Inner Coach with Arlene Cohen Miller

Guest: 24 October 2024

Arlene Cohen Miller, like so many of us, has some “people pleaser” in her past. Now, however, she coaches woman to create balance and boundaries in their life.

Today, Arlene discusses:

  • Our inner critic
  • How to turn that critic into our inner coach
  • Setting boundaries, with interesting concepts about energy
  • Celebrating the wins
  • Being grounded
  • Meditation and gratitude
  • Her soul readings

Arlene’s suggestions for all of us are pretty simple, think kindness, patience and tolerance.

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Ande Lyons

Boomer Podcasts: Both Sides of the Mic with Ande Lyons

Guest: 17 October 2024

Ande Lyons has been a podcast host/live stream host since 2012 – her current podcast is her 6th podcast.  In this episode, we discuss both sides of the mic: Listeners and host wanna-bes.

  • Ande’s history with the medium
  • What exactly is a podcast
  • The huge variety of podcasts and formats
  • Quick and east podcast start-up
  • Some of Ande’s favourites and my all-time favourite
  • My genius idea for spreading the word about podcasts (better than a book club!)

Ande and I have chatted before so there are lots of laughs… and I hope our passion for the art of podcasts comes through.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Expat Life in Japan with Robert Norris

Guest: 10 October 2024

In this episode, Robert Norris gives us so many insights into life as an expat, life in Japan – from the day-to-day to the bureaucracy involved in moving there – so much great information and much of it accompanied by interesting anecdotes.

Today he explains:

  • his early envy of those who spoke more than one language
  • a six-mat room and a three-mat room
  • local public baths
  • living his dream
  • why you should immerse yourself instead of speed-visiting
  • Kanji lettering and the Japanese language
  • tidbits of cultural history and current changes
  • earthquakes

I enjoyed the moment when Bob was telling us about earthquakes and had the Japanese word but had to think about the English word!  That’s immersion!

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Travel Adventures with Suzan Owens

Guest: 03 October 2024

Suzan Owens traveled independently through Africa, Asia, Europe, New Zealand and both North and South America. Today she shares just a few stories of her adventures – if you’re a traveler, you’ll get some inspiration, if you’re an armchair traveler, enjoy!

  • Africa:
    • Cairo
    • Namibia
    • Elephants & antelope
    • Kenya
    • The Maasai
    • Bungee jumping in Zambia
    • Botswana
  • Travel by freighter
  • Walking El Camino

Suzan’s tips for women traveling solo include being sensible, open, friendly and adaptable.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

To Divorce or To Not Divorce with Mike Fink

Guest: 26 September 2024

Mike Fink guides women to clarity over the decision to divorce or to not divorce. If you, like me, question how a man can help women, listen in – he explains the how and the why really well.

In this episode he explains:

  • Primal, emotional, rational parts of brain and perhaps some facts about them you might not know.
  • Deal-breakers and cumulative deal breakers
  • the divorce decision-making process is like solving a Rubik’s Cube
  • Values are not equal, there is a hierarchy
  • The Decoding Grid
  • How The Decoding Grid can be used for other major decisions

Mike’s last piece of advice is yet another nugget to keep in mind, whether your life decision is divorce or something else.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

What to Expect When Expecting a Mastectomy with Erica Neubert Campbell

Guest: 19 September 2024

Erica Neubert Campbell was happily going about her mommy, wife and business lives when her breast cancer diagnosis arrived. It wasn’t unexpected. Her mom had died of breast cancer years earlier.  What was unexpected was that doctors could only give her medical details.

Erica opted for double mastectomy and decided to chronicle – with photographs – the approximately 18 months she and her breasts endured her journey.

Today Erica discusses:

  • Her mom
  • Lumpectomies and mastectomies
  • The diagnosis and her children
  • The BRCA gene
  • Excerpt: “Deciding what to do next Is like choosing a deadly weapon When I didn’t pick the battle.”
  • The decision to have implants
  • The book that grew out of her journals and photos

As always, I ask Erica what I haven’t asked her that she wants women to know – her answer to that makes this conversation even more worth listening to.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Failure to Launch? or Failure to Let Go? with Jack Stoltzfus

Guest: 12 September 2024

Jack Stoltzfus works with young adults who fail to launch or later return to “the nest”, and with parents who have a difficult time letting go, all the while making sure they maintain a positive, caring relationship.

In this episode, Jack explains:

  • What’s changed: we couldn’t wait to get gone from our familial home, that’s often not the case today.
  • Helicopter parents
  • How a definition of “success” could well differ between parent and young adult
  • Parental guilt
  • How difficulties can breed resilience
  • Don’t push them out, pull them out and how volunteerism helps with that
  • The statistic that one in four young adults cut off communication with parents

It’s a serious subject for those who are in the middle of it, but Jack lightens it up with a few personal anecdotes.  Watch for his upcoming book The Launch Code: Loving and Letting Go of Our Adult Children.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Peri- Post- and Menopause with Cultural Sensitivity with Amita Sharma

Guest: 05 September 2024

Amita is younger than us but has been through the same hormonal wringer washer. But. Amita got proactive and has developed holistic wellness programs for taboo topics such as sexual health, menopause, stress, anxiety…  amongst other issues that women go through.

Some of this will apply to you, all of it will apply to your daughters!

Today Amita discusses:

  • the culturally sensitive nature of her research and offerings
  • what ‘holistic’ means to Amita
  • aging and longevity
  • emotional wellness
  • sexual health
  • weight changes

Amita also explains her work with employers (because how many of them acknowledge the reality of female hormones?)… and you’ve heard the expression “There’s an app for that” –  well, Amita is developing that too!

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Redefine the Next Few Decades with Maureen Atkinson

Guest: 29 August 2024

Maureen Atkinson is inspiring women like us to make this chapter our best. Founder of Lifeshiift, she’s the poster woman for learning and creating and curiosity as we navigate these years.

Today she explains:

  • Her path from a corporate mover and shaker to the designer and inspiration behind LifeShiift
  • Travel as a young woman vs travel as an older woman
  • Goal setting
  • How energy seems to breed more energy
  • Mindfulness and Meditation
  • Gratitude

Maureen’s advice for us all was not what I was expecting but is intuitive and really does hit the mark.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

The Wisdom of Numerology with Suzan Owens

Guest: 22 August 2024

Suzan Owens began studying Numerology over 30 years ago and was fascinated with the synchronicity, guidance, and growth this study offered.

Today she explains:

  • The field of Numerology
  • The five core numbers
  • Two people can have the same set of numbers
  • How Numerology and Tarot are related
  • Years, Cycles and Names

Suzan tells us she doesn’t need to know where the bodies are buried – curious as to what prompted that comment?

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

How to Tackle New Challenges After a Long Career with Elizabeth Zelinka Parsons

Guest: 15 August 2024

Elizabeth Zelinka Parsons coaches high achieving, driven executives and professionals to create a “retirement” that challenges them, gives them high satisfaction and, often, leaves a legacy. As Elizabeth spoke, I realized that many of the needs/desires of high achievers are actually not that different from more average achievers, perhaps just on a greater scale.

Elizabeth discusses:

  • Why “a life of pure leisure isn’t going to cut it” for high achievers
  • How the transition from a professional career is as difficult for them as for us
  • Part of her process
  • The game-changer tool for a busy professional
  • How the gossip chain can be so very detrimental

I appreciated that Elizabeth acknowledged the full-time job that is mothering.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Beyond The Typical Vacation with Michelle Chang

Guest: 08 August 2024

Michelle Chang and her husband, Jedd, didn’t set out to become intentional travelers, but traveling captured them and if you’re going to travel, intentional is a great idea.

In this episode Michelle explains

  • Why we need some level of digital/phone literacy to travel well nowadays
  • Preparing our phone before travel
  • Good apps to have
  • Crossing borders
  • Tricks to make travel much smoother, cost-effective, and enjoyable
  • Other things mid-life women should consider before going global

Lots of great tips in this episode, and even more great resources at their website.

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The Boomer Women's Podcast

'Grey Area Drinking' and Why It's on The Rise with Sarah Rusbatch

Guest: 01 August 2024

Sarah Rusbatch is a grey area drinking coach.  If you don’t know what that is, but enjoy your wine habit, listen in.

In this episode, Sarah explains:

  • What grey area drinking is
  • How alcohol use disorder in women has increased over 80% in the last 30 years
  • The interaction between menopause and drinking
  • The physiological response to alcohol in women
  • Why women are more susceptible to health risks than men
  • Non-alcoholic beverages
  • What happens in our bodies when we cut out all alcohol
  • How to kickstart that goal
  • How to respond to “friends” who pressure you to drink

Lots of food for thought in this episode.  Our alcohol intake is probably one of the most lied-about parts of our life.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Create Lasting Changes in Your Life with Denise Miceli

Guest: 25 July 2024

Denise Miceli is an inspiring, empathic guide and mentor who creates space for women ready for personal growth and change.

She asks “Have you succeeded in one or more areas of your life? yet have a nagging feeling that something is missing?” Matches my statement that my old life is no longer enough.

In this episode, Denise explains

  • the subconscious
  • how our childhood 0-7 creates many of our adult patterns
  • rewiring our subconscious stories
  • personal boundaries
  • perfectionism
  • procrastination

So much food for thought and Denise makes the rewiring sound very doable.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Remembering a Strong Mother as His Own Life Unfolded with Robert Norris

Guest: 18 July 2024

Robert Norris – Bob – comes from pretty strong genetic stock – large extended family who’s Depression-era experiences are reminiscent of “The Grapes of Wrath”.  His mother was a force before women had many rights at all: proving herself as an athlete, standing her ground as a divorced woman, getting a pilot’s license, playing the organ, confronting military leadership when she felt her son was wronged, and becoming a traveler in later life. So perhaps no surprise that Bob stood his ground as a conscientious objector, traveled in the company of other bohemians, and embraced a life in a country with very little in common with America.

In this episode he talks about

  • Maintaining oral traditions in our digital time
  • The amazing woman who was his mom
  • “Pentimento” memories
  • Simpler times when little things were big deals
  • Being a conscientious objector
  • His travels with “European hippies”
  • Finding a place in Japan

We end the episode exchanging stories about exchange students.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

Living Your Gender Truth with Karen Anne Coccioli

Guest: 11 July 2024

Karen Anne Coccioli had a traumatic childhood that left her broken for years.  For a lot of years, many things didn’t get better. But, she played by “their” rules and, inside, never gave up. She always managed to see a light of hope no matter how dim at times until finally, she was free to be herself.

Today, she discusses:

  • When she knew she was gay and when she finally lived that
  • Why non-hetero people are still being stigmatized… or being stigmatized again
  • The anger and fear about people who don’t fit traditional socio-political-theological expectations
  • What she says to young people who don’t know how to “come out”
  • What she says to older people who can’t get their head around a child or grandchild “coming out”
  • and… encouragement for any older folk who are just now realizing they aren’t living their truth

Karen shares her trauma, but her joy and optimism shine through – she is quite an inspiration.

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The Boomer Woman's Podcast

True Wealth: More Than The Money with Therese Nicklas

Guest: 04 July 2024

Therese Nicklas is a Financial Planner, a Certified Money Coach and she describes “True Wealth” as, money, yes, but also what money can’t buy – purpose, passion, unlimited possibilities.

In this episode, Terri explains:

  • The two events that focused her mission to make sure women were financially literate
  • Why money such an emotional topic
  • Why it remains a taboo subject
  • Living life by design, not default
  • Money mindset: when does it hinder, when is it healthy
  • 3 things we can do today to help break a bad money habit
  • The 3 Cs of financial freedom

Stay tuned to the end as Terri offers listeners a free financial freedom toolkit.

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Adam Zuckerman

Estate Organization and End-of-Life Tasks with Adam Zuckerman

Guest: 27 June 2024

Adam Zuckerman is the Founder of Buried in Work, a leading eCommerce platform specializing in estate planning/organization, end-of-life tasks, and estate transitions. That service is just a small part of his CV – but the important part he talks about today.

  • How organizing his dad’s estate and making sure everything was set up properly for his mom set him on this path
  • The disadvantage of leaving accounts (utilities, etc) in a deceased’s name
  • Which documents are absolutely necessary and which documents are good ideas, and where to store them
  • Power of Attorney, Medical Power of Attorney
  • Financial plans/documents
  • Who could be your executor
  • What happens if you die without a will

While a serious subject, Adam is a lot of fun and keeps it light.

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Deb Dutcher

Boomer Women and Online Dating with Deb Dutcher

Guest: 20 June 2024

Deb Dutcher is a Boomer Online Dating Coach.  She learned the hard way, but now that she’s mastered how to navigate the sometimes-murky waters of online dating, she shares:

  • How to handle your reluctance to join a site
  • How someone who has not dated for decades prepares themselves to date
  • The five biggest mistakes Boomer gals make with their online profiles
  • How to get past the “Youth Sells” culture we live in
  • Manifesting that which you want to have
  • Divorced men or widowers?
  • Intimacy and sex post-60
  • Kissing on the first date – yay? or nay?

Whether you’re thinking about it or nervous about it, Deb shares a lot of tips to help you.

Listen in!


Interconnectedness in These Times of Change with Kate Heartsong

Guest: 13 June 24

Kate Heartsong is the author of “Humanity’s Cry for Change”, written to help you create a happier life, to gain hope, to realize you can make positive changes for yourself and humanity.

Today Kate discusses:

  • Interconnectedness and our innate energy
  • Our emotions and how to take the steps from the darker ones to the higher vibration ones
  • Emotions as energy with some discussion of anger
  • Self-care and raising self-esteem
  • The Age of Aquarius

Kate exudes optimism and the power of positive thinking… and calm.

Listen in!


Why Las Vegas is a Great Retirement Town with Tina Dixon-Smith

Guest: 06 June 24

Tina Dixon-Smith has lived in a number of US cities and chooses to call Las Vegas home, promoting Nevada in general and Las Vegas in particular. She has a number of convincing reasons why it makes sense! Today she discusses:

  • The allure of Las Vegas for her
  • Non-nationals buying in Las Vegas
  • Income and property taxes and insurance costs
  • The 10-year visa available to non-nationals
  • Things to do, places to see
  • Purchase options with some ball-park numbers

Stay tuned to hear about Fil-A-Seat and… if you have grandchildren, how close Disneyland is!

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Discovering Self Via a Nomadic Life with Gila Melamed

Guest: 30 May 2024

Gila Melamed is my first real follow-up conversation.  We chatted last Summer about a road trip she was taking in a camperized car – her carpartment – and I knew at that time she was returning home to “up-size” – to a mini van.

Now, many months into Phase 2, Gila tells us about:

  • her journey of self-discovery and healing. (Gila’s explanation makes so much sense and is, perhaps, food for thought for many of us.)
  • as with other nomads, there were clues from childhood that this lifestyle would be what fed her soul
  • the process of converting a mini-van to permanent accommodation
  • tips about listening to your gut, with a discussion about fear
  • learning from other like-minded, more experienced women
  • her growth in so many facets of her life

Gila is so candid about every facet of her journey, both physical and spiritual… and how that journey helps her to be the person she wants to be and raises her up to be the person she is.

Listen in!

Len Bruskiewitz

Exiting Your Small Business with Len Bruskiewitz

Guest: 23 May 2024

Len Bruskiewitz was born into a business environment so it comes as no surprise he followed that path.  His early career was with some pretty notable companies and then he focused on exit planning for owners of small businesses.

In this episode he discusses:

  • Why exit strategy isn’t part of all the other plans that go into business planning
  • Options for who might buy
  • Why only 20-25% of small businesses that go up for sale actually sell
  • What business owners need to do to help make sure a sale happens
  • Where good will comes into the equation
  • Communication within families
  • Who is part of the legalities in exit planning
  • And the pitfalls of exit planning

Such clear information from an advisor who has seen a lot.

Listen in.

Kim Rahir

Shatter Age Barriers with Ande Lyons

Guest: 16 May 2024

Ande Lyons has a podcast called “Don’t Be Caged by Your Age”. She has an expression “Pastures are for horses, not humans.”  Needless to say, the conversation revolves around age-ism, in many of its shapes and sizes.

Ande discusses:

  • age-ism: corporate, social and internalized
  • “retirement” and other aging fallacies
  • how pro-aging could save societies billions of dollars
  • yes, older folk can learn tech
  • “pulling threads” and “patchwork quilt”

So many great thoughts in this conversation today.  So much laughter.

Listen in.

Kim Rahir

Dealing With and Managing Chronic Pain with DK Ciccone

Guest: 09 May 2024

DK Ciccone experienced a back injury at age 13. Several possible causes are hindsight, of course, but help fuel her passion for helping others understand pain, emphasizing the critical connections between the physical, mental, and emotional realms.

In this episode, DK explains:

  • Bio/psycho/social model of pain
  • How diet culture might make us more susceptible to pain
  • The difference between the mental and the emotional with pain
  • Stress Resilience

DK uses Pilates in a weight neutral environment to help her clients get strong and active again, she shares how and why that works.

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Eve Hall

Sexual Health with Eve Hall

Guest: 02 May 2024

Eve Hall is a Licensed Physical Therapist who treats conditions regarding Sexual Health. She is also a Certified Health Coach who is on a mission to destigmatize conversations about sex and sexual health!

In this episode, Eve discusses health conditions such as:

  • Vaginal dryness
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Pain
  • Incontinence
  • Boredom

And other subjects:

  • Big Clit energy
  • Toys
  • Orgasm Equality

So much good info for sexual beings of any age, but especially for those of us in mid-age.

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Laura Mangum Broome

Flourishing After Adversity with Laura Mangum Broome

Guest: 25 April 2024

Laura Broome personifies resilience and positivity.  When life gives you lemons… well, Laura could open a lemonade shop.  Laura’s had a series of challenges over her life that might have done another person in.

In this episode, she discusses

  • Resilience
  • “radical acceptance”
  • The three things in your control (your words, your thoughts, your actions)
  • How adversity can happen to you but it doesn’t need to define you
  • How stepping out of your comfort zone can help you find options
  • Our superpowers : skills, talents, passions

In a nutshell, Laura Broome has learned how to turn pain into purpose.

Listen in!

Kim Rahir

Build Muscle and Eat Intentionally with Kim Rahir

Guest: 18 April 2024

Kim Rahir is a former journalist with a doctorate in Political Science.  Like many of us, she made a career change in mid-life to a passion career and now promotes… I love this… intentional eating for us mid-life women, as well as building AND maintaining muscle as we get older to delay, possibly even avoid many of the health issues too many people think are inevitable…

I said Passion and you’ll get the picture when I tell you Kim started weight training and last year won a European Masters Weightlifting Championship… at age 60. Are you impressed? Well, how about if I tell you that in 2013 Kim was diagnosed with MS -Multiple Sclerosis.

In this episode, Kim explains

  • how her diagnosis came to be
  • what intentional eating actually is
  • what muscle building looks like for women
  • what “retrain your brain to reconnect with your muscles” means
  • AND… don’t let one poor choice become a character trait!

Bonus: a definition of resilience

Listen in!

Jenell Jones

Solo RV Travel with Jenell Jones

Guest: 11 April 2024

Have you ever contemplated getting into a vehicle and seeing where the road led?  A camperized van, maybe a beautiful RV could be your new home?  Perhaps you’re flying solo however, and the concept of being out there on your own deflates the dream.

Jenell Jones is the solution.  Her Wandering Individuals Network is the RV club for anyone traveling on their own. They are a diverse group who drive everything from big class A motorhomes to car campers.

In this episode, Jenell explains

  • her past, which made the lifestyle a fairly easy decision for her
  • what makes her RV as much a home as your house
  • the club’s route planning and destination decisions
  • some of her adventures
  • why mid-age women should consider the lifestyle

Jenell hosts a webinar on April 13th to explain more and answer your questions – email freervwebinar@gmail.com to register.

Listen in!

Wendy Battles

Cybersecurity Awareness with Wendy Battles

Guest: 04 April 2024

Wendy Battles is on the cybersecurity team at Yale University so she trains and explains to the security aware and the security uninitiated.

In this episode, Wendy discusses:

  • Passwords and password managers
  • Phishing emails
  • Scam phone calls
  • How to check for data breaches that might have included your personal information
  • Imitation websites

Her Bee Cyber Fit Podcast discusses more of what we discussed today, the link is in the show notes.

Stay tuned to the end when Wendy tells us about her alter ego at Reinvention Rebels.

Listen in!

Doreen Cumberford

The Expat Life with Doreen Cumberford

Guest: 28 March 2024

Doreen Cumberford has lived and worked across cultures in 8 countries as a junior diplomat, a corporate climber, an entrepreneur and an accompanying spouse over the last four decades.

Doreen discusses:

  • How our past might influence our ability to wander
  • The three facets of “intercultural interactions”
  • Expats and repats
  • Some common challenges expats face
  • Factors to consider when considering a location
  • The reality of our advancing years

Doreen is definitely the voice of experience.

Listen in!

Ellen O'Hara

Trusts and Other Financial Decisions with Greg Kurinec

Guest: 21 March 2024

Greg Kurinec talks to us about “retirement” planning… and what we do with our money as we tackle/plan for this next chapter (and what might happen to that money when we depart this world).

Greg discusses:

  • trusts and their efficacy
  • considerations for dealing with the tax-person
  • social security
  • questions to consider when planning

While Greg’s info is American, he gives so much food for thought when having the discussion with our own financial planner in our own country.

Listen in!

Ellen O'Hara

Age-, Trauma-, Newbie-Informed Yoga with Ellen O'Hara

Guest: 14 March 2024

After my first few (only) highly disappointing yoga classes I was pleased to have Ellen O’Hara address all my concerns and explain what age/joint/health sensitive yoga should look like.

Ellen discusses:

  • Yoga through her nursing lens
  • explains vinyasa yoga and trauma-informed yoga
  • how to feel comfortable in class
  • what the props are and how to use them
  • balance, self-awareness, stress reduction

Such great advice and tips for the new yoga participant, the achy yoga participant, the older yoga participant… maybe you’re all three!

Listen in!

Michael Kay

Understanding Men's Post-Career Transitions with Michael Kay

Guest: 07 March 2024

Michael Kay talks to mid-age men about the transition from work to whatever’s next.  He approached me asking if he could share how we mid-age women could support the men in our lives, how to have those non-threatening conversations.  His request was like having the tables turned when I hadn’t thought about their turnability.

Michael explains:

  • Why post-career is so difficult for men
  • Who has the most difficulty with transitions? (Great insights and he is candid, even as he is also a man.)
  • How so many facets of post 9-5 life aren’t considered, aren’t discussed well before the big day comes. (Just like we women don’t think about, don’t always know what we aren’t considering)
  • The conversations we mid-age women might have with the men in our lives when they’re considering the next chapter… and when they won’t.

We both try to be honest about gender differences while maintaining respect for the opposite gender.  Except I do slip a few comments in…

Listen in!


Family and Friend Estrangement with Wendy Green

Guest: 29 February 2024

Wendy Green is both a Boomer podcaster and a coach to help people find their vision for the next chapter of life.

In this episode we discuss:

  • Estrangement from siblings
  • Estrangement from children
  • Estrangement from friends

Interesting topics as both of us have estrangement in our lives… and there’s a good chance you might too.

I mentioned Wendy’s a Boomer podcaster too.  A bonus discussion is what an amazing experience it is for both of us; how our boomer cohort is very much still on the outside looking in… and how we want you to help us spread the word what a great companion podcasts are, whether you’re a listener or a host.  The subject matter is as varied as the hosts and all the listeners!

Listen in!

Sandy Kaye

Combat Zones to Spirituality with John Lawyer

Guest: 22 February 2024

From desert combat zones to a battle within, John Lawyer transformed from soldier to spiritual seeker. John’s military service took him to Afghanistan, Kuwait and Iraq.

John is candid about living in war zones with his wife, his culture shock in returning to civilian life, and the VA therapist who may have saved his life.

He explains:

  • What is dharma, why is it important?
  • How do we navigate the spiritual path in the modern age?
  • What is being open to the universe about?
  • What is the Stream of Unconsciousness?
  • What’s the difference between Spirituality, Art, Science, Philosophy, Religion and Self-Help?

And finally: finding Joy, at any age.

Listen in!

Sandy Kaye

Sandy Kaye Interviews Our Favourite Musicians from the 60s, 70s, 80s

Guest: 15 February 2024

After a career in media and entertainment media, Sandy Kaye was a natural to interview all the musicians we know and love across three continents.

In this episode, Sandy has memories, anecdotes, and shares so much about so many music artists.  When I listen to her podcast (which I do now, often!) I think I don’t know that musician… oh, wait a minute, I love that song!

Today she tells us:

  • which interviews were coups for her
  • her favourites
  • who leaves her star struck
  • all the good gossip – ok, there’s none.

If you have even a shred of music enjoyment from those earlier decades, you’ll love this interview!

Listen in!

Dave Albin

Firewalking, Board Breaks and More: Dave Albin

Guest: 08 February 2024

Dave Albin’s company is Firewalk Productions. Firewalking is a 1,000 year old rite of passage ritual and he’s firewalked hundreds of thousands of people.

In this episode, he explains:

  • firewalking
  • glasswalking
  • board breaks and arrow breaks
  • why people don’t get burned
  • why it is SO empowering for participants

Dave also shares his morning ritual for health and energy.

Stay tuned for his Mom’s dating advice and “Elf on the Shelf”!

Listen in!


Estate Planning & Asset Protection with Scherrie Prince

Guest: 01 February 2024

Dying.  We’re all going to do it, that‘s a given… but what happens to your property, your heirs, your business after you take your last breath?

Scherrie answers:

  • What exactly is estate planning?
  • What are assets?
  • What are they basic legal forms everyone should have, in terms of estate planning?
  • Is planning with a small ,mom and pop business different from a large company with many employees?
  • What are considerations for couples and families in asset planning and asset protection?

Listen in!

feminine longevity

Eating Disorders in Mid-Age with Nicole Christina

Guest: 25 January 2024

Social and media pressures haunt us from our early years all the way through to our crone years.  Even we, the wise women, are not immune.

I was stunned to learn that, recently, the number of eating disorders in mid-life women has increased dramatically.

In this episode I ask Nicole:

  • Why eating disorders are increasing in mid-life women.
  • What defines an eating disorder.
  • Is there ever a time we might consider pharmaceutical help for weight management.
  • The efficacy of apps and tools (think FitBit or Apple watch).
  • Bonus topic: how we talk to our grandchildren.

and stay tuned to Nicole’s story about her Zestful Aging including hunting pythons!!

Listen in!

feminine longevity

The Wisdom of Morrie: Rob Schwartz, editor

Guest: 18 January 2024

Mitch Albom wrote the first book. Rob Schwartz lived the reality. What reality?  Morrie Schwartz… you know, Tuesdays With Morrie, was Rob’s dad.

Almost thirty years after his dad died, Rob has released a book: The Wisdom of Morrie: Living and Aging Creatively and Joyfully – manuscripts he found in his dad’s desk years after Morrie had passed.

I ask Rob about his dad, Morrie and also about his Mom, Charlotte.  I love the warmth and pride in his voice when he speaks of them. He gets emotional at one point – it’s such emphasis that love does last forever, even if the body is gone.

Rob and I discuss Morrie’s advice for living a long and happy life, the concept of ‘tension of opposites’… and if you’re thinking those subjects sound a little esoteric, let me assure you, he is his father’s son and Rob keeps the conversation real, and in the present.

I think you’ll find the “personal question” part of this conversation really interesting!

Listen in!

feminine longevity

Live Your Third Act to Its Fullest: Carol Ebert

Guest: 11 January 2024

Sometimes when I interview health professionals, their advice sounds great but when they’re 30-40 years younger than me I can’t help but think their knowledge is based on book learning, not experience.  Carol Ebert is the exact opposite: she’s the poster woman for Boomer Women.

In this episode I ask her:

  • What is your definition of “wellness”?
  • Your speaker topic: “Too Busy For You?” – does that topic hit home for mid-life women? And what do you say to women when that topic is the basis of your presentation?
  • The important questions: If we have grandchildren at the school or college level, how do we talk to the kids about wellness – or encourage them to develop good habits – while still staying on our grandparent pedestal?
  • Where do genetics fit into the equation?

and my inevitable:  What haven’t we talked about that you want mid-age women to think about as they plan for the future?


Listen in!

feminine longevity

Break Free of The Rules: Heather Whelpley

Guest: 04 January 2024

Heather Whelpley started life as an audacious, confident, whole-life child… but as she grew through her teens into womanhood, she wore the societal rules so many of us grew up with, that many of us hold true to this day. Until one day, as she says… she woke up.

How did Heather wake up to this reality?

How did she connect to her “grounded wildness”? How do we do that?

What’s her advice for us mid-age women who want to recognize and break free from some of the “brules” we’ve been living under?

Listen in!

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